Monday 26 August 2019

PCOS-Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is PCOS?                                                                               
                Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is a hormonal disorder common among women’s of reproductive age(generally between 15 to 45 age).Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual period with the production of excess male hormone(androgen).The ovaries may develop numerous small collection of fluid (follicles) .


   The causes behind PCOS
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown.But it is predicted that hormonal imbalance(overproduction of androgen hormone) and genetic inheritance is one of the core reasons.If a family member specially mother or sister has PCOS it can increase the risk of having it.Moreover, overweight or obesity is a leading factor to PCOS.


Ø Irregular,heavy or 
absent menstrual cycle
Ø Excess hair growth on
    face and body
Ø Weight  gain and difficulty in 
     losing weight
Ø Male pattern and baldness
Ø Excessive acne and dullness in the skin
Ø Massive hairfall
Ø Darkness in the neck                             
Ø Fatigue

       Complexity in health related to PCOS :
Ø Diabetes
Ø High cholesterol level
Ø Hypertension
Ø Breast Cancer
Ø Infertility
Ø Hypothyroidism
Ø Increased risk of endometrial cancer

       Required tests for diagnosis of PCOS
ü Ultrasound scan
ü Serum FSH/Follicle stimulating hormone( within the reference range or low in PCOS)
ü Serum LH/Luteinizing hormone(elevated in PCOS)
Image of left and right scans of
 PCOS patient’s right ovary.
The ovary is enlarged and there are
 multiple small an-echoic follicles
ü Serum testosterone level(higher in PCOS)
ü Fasting glucose level
ü Thyroid function test
ü Lipid profile

1.     First of all with proper diet and exercise one should control the weight.Following BMI , one should keep her weight under normal range that will help her to control blood glucose level, maintain the hormonal balance and get a regular menstrual cycle.

2.     Those who are not thinking to be pregnant right at this moment, specially young  girls are prescribed contraceptive pill(progestin) .This will maintain the regularity of menstrual cycle and decrease the production of male hormone.Moreover,it will decrease unwanted hairs and acne problem.

3.     On the contrary ,women’s  who are interested to be pregnant at this moment they are prescribed clomiphene citrate by doctors.

4.     Metformin: Metformin can enhance ovulation and regulate menstrual cycle .It decreases the blood glucose level and hirsutism (excess  hair  growth).In many cases,metformin and clomiphene citrate  are prescribed together.

5.     Anti-androgen: Antiandrogen agents block androgen receptors which inhibit the effects of male sex hormones .It helps to get rid of excess hair and enlarged muscle.But this medicine is not prescribed to the women who are interested to be pregnant at this moment.                                                                                      
6.     Surgery: In this case ,doctor with the help of laparoscopy does ovarian drilling.

Pregnant women with PCOS can have miscarriage and delivery before the fixed time .During pregnancy a PCOS patient must follow required consciousness and consult with the doctor with a regular check up.

PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility.The complexity of PCOS will decrease if one detects the problem and takes appropriate medication and treatment as soon as possible.Women with PCOS can conceive naturally or with the help of fertility treatment.But it is a matter of great sorrow that 1 in 10 (upto 70%) of women with PCOS are undiagnosed.If the symptoms matches with one’s physical condition one should consult with doctor .As prevention is always better than cure females specially young girls should try to keep their weight under control  and follow a proper nutritious diet.

                                    Be healthy be happy!

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