Tuesday 24 September 2019

Instant noodles bad or good for health?

Instant noodles are a packaged,instant type of noodles made from wheat flour,various vegetable oils and flavoring.These noodles are pre -cooked meaning they have been steamed and then air dried or fried to shorten cooking time for consumers .Instant noodles  are popular all over the world among young and old because they are easy to cook and inexpensive.  

  It should be noted that instant noodles are different from fresh homemade ramen noodles which are traditional Chinese or Japanese noodle typically served in soup form and topped with nutritious ingredients like eggs,duck meat and vegetables.

In spite of being a popular food item, frequent consumption of instant noodles is linked to poor diet quality and an increased risk of some negative health effects.Devoid of nutritious diet and solely depending on instant noodles is very bad.This diet is seen most common in young people.
      Let's have a look on instant noodles effect on one's body.Many of us know that instant ramen noodles is not good for health but studies have confirmed how harmful the pre packaged food can be.

  Effect on Body's Metabolism: Consuming noodles everyday will affect the metabolism of the body due to the accumulation of toxic substance.Those substance include food coloring,additives substance and food preservatives .Instant noodles seem harmless but they contain Tertiary butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ),which is a by product of the petroleum industry and food additive and being used frequently to preserve cheap processed foods.TBHQ is highly toxic in bigger doses but has been allowed in the food industry in small doses.
     A number of studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high doses of TBHQ may be carcinogenic.Long term exposure to TBHQ can also cause asthma,anxiety and diarrhea in some people.It can also adversely affect the liver and the reproductive organs. 

   Effect on Digestion: The high sodium content in instant noodles products is obvious but the main culprit is the noodles itself.In a study by Dr.Bradon Kuo director of the Gastrointestinal Motility laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard University the doctor found unsetting results after testing digestion of the noodles. A minuscule camera was used to observe the effects of noodles on the digestive tract over 32 hours .The video revealed the stomach working hard, contracting back and forth to break down the noodles .The noodles remain undigested for a long time and severely strained the digestive tract .Furthermore,the retention of instant noodles in the digestive tract for so long time means you get overexposed to the toxic chemicals and preservatives like TBHQ and BHA.

 Metabolic syndrome:'Metabolic syndrome is defined as a group of symptoms that increase a persons chance of contracting heart disease having stroke and developing diabetes .Women who consumed noodles 2 or 3 times a week reported an increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to a 2014 study published in The Journal of Nutrition.
     Furthermore,deep frying is a step in the production process of most  instant noodles.This further saturates the noodles with excess fat from the oil making it a greater risk factor for heart disease.This include  High Cholesterol,High  TG level,High Blood Sugar and increased abdominal fat.Noodles that are air dried skipping the deep frying are comparatively healthier alternative. 

  High Sodium Level: Sodium rich salt is the indispensable taste enhancer.However,too much of it is very harmful to one's health .Compared to moderate consumption high dietary sodium consumption was recognized as a major factor in high death rates in 23 case studies .Instant noodles are rich in salt and therefore rich in sodium.
          Excess sodium has been linked with high blood pressure (Hypertension) and in turn heart disease ,heart failure and strokes.
  A single serving(62 gm) of instant noodles contain 744 mg of sodium .However,if you eat the entire pack(100 gm) the amount reaches to 1200 mg of sodium .Again , there is evidence showing that high sodium intake may have a negative effect on certain people who are considered salt sensitive .Pregnancy already involves the risk of high blood pressure .The extra amount of sodium intake can affect baby negatively.So ,during pregnancy this kind of food must be avoided.

  Lack of Nutrients: Eating noodles too often causes lacking of nutrients on one's body .When the body is malnourished .It starts experiencing side effects like dizziness ,restlessness ,fatigue and loss of strength.Our body need sufficient amount of protein,calcium ,sugar ,vitamin A,C,E ,B and more.Noodles have extremely low content of those nutrient while some don't even have any at all.It is a bad news for those who consume  instant noodles as their daily meal in both morning and evening.

Propylene Glycol:Instant noodles contain propylene glycol an anti freeze which is an ingredient that is added to make noodles moist .If it accumulates in the body ,it leads to harmful effects to the body organs.Such as heart ,liver and kidneys .At the same time it also weakens the immune system which makes you get sick easily as well.Moreover, one's body easily absorbs this kind of ingredients very fast causing abnormalities and damage .

  MSG in instant noodles can have possible toxic effects:MSG or monosodium glutamate is another potentially toxic substance that is found in instant noodles but this is not found in all brands of instant noodles .This is a chemical called excitotoxin overexcites one's nerve cells. 
      The Experimental and Clinical Sciences Journal report that "MSG has been linked with obesity ,metabolic disorder,neurotoxic effects and detrimental effects on the reproductive organs.The journal also adds that 'although MSG has proven its value as an enhancer of flavor  different studies have hinted at possible toxic effects related to this popular food additive ".
  Clearly a packet of instant noodles won't kill you but no one can say with certainty what this processed food will do to you in the long run.

   When it comes in dealing with hunger, instant noodles are always the best savior .But,  there is controversy over whether or not they have adverse effects on the consumers.Taking all the evident side effects in consideration ,in a nutshell, it  can be said that instant noodles may be associated with higher intake of sodium,carbohydrate and fat plus a lower intake of protein,vitamin, fiber and minerals.  

  Many of us know that instant noodles are unhealthy, but even knowing that we take it on a regular basis as a cheap and easy to make food.But this poor diet plan can bring a long term health problems.So people depending too much on instant noodles and having it too often must be careful about health.

 How to select  the healthiest instant noodles :   1.Select noodles from whole grains as it increases fiber content and boost feeling of fullness.Noodles,having lower sodium is also available.Try to intake this kind of noodles to bring down your sodium intake.                                                                                                                                                 
2.You can add some fresh vegetables like peas,capsicums,tomatoes,potatoes and           ingredients containing high protein to enhance the nutrition profile of your instant noodles  .                                                                                                                                         
 If you are hopelessly devoted to instant noodles all hope is not lost.Dr.Frank B.Hu a professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at Harvard told The New York Times " having instant noodles once or twice a month is not a big deal".

But at the end of the day , remember that instant noodles are instant and junk food and it is best to avoid taking it too often.

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